
Tee Hiett avatar image
Tee Hiett asked Tee Hiett commented

CheckInPES1 doesn't come to Registration Desk promptly.


in the attached model, the CheckInPES1 is scheduled to start shift at 7:30 AM along with the CMA's. The CMA's do start at 7:30 and clean the rooms. Apparently, the CheckInPES1 is available because a patient and companions go to the check-in desk, check-in and leave the desk about the time the CheckInPES1 arrives at the desk in the CheckInPES1 is owned by the patient while walking to the check-in desk.


FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3healthcareresourcetimes tables
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1 Answer

Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier answered Tee Hiett commented

I don't quite understand why there are 2 activities out of the Check-in box (left and below).

I took one of them "PES walk to patient" and I put it in the Check-In box and it works. See picture.

It's not perfect but it works. You could improve this by changing the Destination.

Also, don't know why you have a duplicate "Pat/comp walks to reg". One in the box and one of the box.

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