
Daniel Saravia avatar image
Daniel Saravia asked Daniel Saravia edited

How to join 3D objects created on split token in PF?

I have PF that creates orders with (1-3) pieces per orders. First, I have assigned a label the creates a order number. Second, I split the token (as children, not sure is the right thing to do) in two with a split ID. One connector will create orders with 1 to 3 pieces each according to a pre-determined percent. I copied the order number to each token and I created a new label the contain how many pieces the order has. Third, each token (piece) will create a 3D box in different parts of the warehouse (I also copied all the labels). Finally, these boxes are picked by different TEs then travel to a queue where all boxes are gathered (all this uses PF task sequences, list etc). I want, first look at the queue and see is an order is complete (all pieces are on the queue) and pack them. Once that happens. I want to synchronize the "pieces" with the second connector.

Question; I don't know how to pack the order on the "gathering Queue" in PF and wait for the customer? I don't know if I have to do something on the create 3d object to keep the split ID.

I was planning to "join" all the pieces of the order then create a 3D object ("order packed") put it on second queue by a TE (Confirmer)and wait until the customer arrives (second connector when the order arrives and split in 2) then delivery the order complete to the customer using a TE (Loader).

I am attaching a simplified version of my model. In my original model all my TEs work with PF.

CPU Example.fsm

FlexSim 20.2.2
flexsim 20.2.2token join split batch parent child
cpu-example.fsm (64.5 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Daniel Saravia avatar image
Daniel Saravia answered Daniel Saravia edited

Hello, I did solve the "order packed" problem by using "batch" feature. I think I can continue now and try to join the order with the customer.

· 2
5 |100000

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·


I was trying to do it another way but if you've got it going, for now, I will just let you continue on with what you are doing. If you have any questions or problems, please let us know.


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Daniel Saravia avatar image Daniel Saravia Jeff Nordgren commented ·

I got stuck in the batch label, but I submitted a new question for that. Thanks!

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