
Jason P2 avatar image
Jason P2 asked Ben Wilson commented

AGV Task Sequence shortest distance

I want to use this logic in a bigger model so I mad a quick example. I have a list of tasks (picks from a rack) that I am pushing to a list. I want the AGV to pull the tasks from the list but I want the AGV to pick the task with the shortest distance first. I am also using the new AGV travel offset because I do not want to put nodes in front of every bay on the rack



FlexSim 20.2.2
agvflexsim 20.2.2
agvdistance.fsm (61.1 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered

Hi @jason.p2,

Unfortunately the distance field in your list will only point to the box's parent object, which is the rack. You can see this when I set TaskExecuter1 to the puller:

One way to get around this is to set the task's priority to the bay the box resides in. In the "Create TS" activity, it should look like this:

Then, add a priority field in your list:

Then you can query by the priority in your pull from list:

This is how it looks when it is done:

Essentially, you won't be able to order by distance if you care about the exact location of the item in the rack. However, if you have multiple racks, you could order by distance to get the closest rack, then order by bay again to get the closest bay.


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agvdistance.fsm (49.8 KiB)
5 |100000

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