
Allison H2 avatar image
Allison H2 asked Ben Wilson commented

Decision Point Logic

I have a source feeding onto a conveyor. When it reaches a decision point I want to send to a specific zone based on a destination label, what sort of logic would the decision point require? How do I assign destination points on a conveyor?

FlexSim 20.2.2
flexsim 20.2.2decisionpoint
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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered

Hi @Allison H2,

One solution could be having the first decision point send items to decision points located on conveyors leading to your various destinations. I've attached a sample model that shows how this would work:


The first decision point has an On Arrival trigger with the destination field "current.outObjects[item.Destination]" and the decision points on the secondary conveyors are all connected to the first decision point.

The creation of the trigger can be accessed by clicking on the first decision point in the 3D model and then the edit properties icon next to Decision Point Type.

There is also an in-depth tutorial that explains sorting here:

I hope this helps!

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