
Swami Premnidhi avatar image
Swami Premnidhi asked Joerg Vogel commented

ASRS is not working correctly

ASRS is doing unnecessary extension movement. Here in attached model asrs travels to x-location and doing extension movement which is not required.(it is required only when it is loading). same happening with unloading there is also extension movement which is not required because asrs is direclty traveling to unloading point.(queue)

How can we dissable that unnecessary extension movement using process flow.

I attached sample model. please suggest. if possible please edit the given model or provide sample model. Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 20.2.2
flexsim 20.2.2asrs vehiclekinematics
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

The extender animation is a feature of the ASRS. And it is not an option. You can tweak it by changing the speed of extender movement. If you want it to extend without any delay you set the forkspeed to a very high speed. The variable is called "extensionspeed"

custom code

  1. token.resource.setVariable("extensionspeed",10);// speed of 10 units / minute
· 2
5 |100000

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