
Jonathan avatar image
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Jonathan asked Jeanette F commented

How to write average throughput to global table on trigger

I have a global table and would like to record the average throughput of a station to it on using a trigger. I've used a workaround to get a data collector to get its average throughput but at a certain point in the run I'd like to write the current value to my global table.

FlexSim 20.0.8
flexsim 20.0.8throughputconveyor stationwrite to global table
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @Jonathan S3,

I created a model that uses exit triggers to update a global table. The table keeps track of each processor's current throughput and its average throughput. I understood average throughput as the current processors throughput divided by the throughput of all the processors. Was this correct? or were you looking for an average that told you the average number of boxes processed over a given time?

Here is a model that demonstrates how the triggers can be created. Please note I also created reset triggers that set the values in the global table to zero when the simulation is reset.


Please let me know if this answered your question.

· 2
5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

Jonathan avatar image Jonathan commented ·

Thank you @Jeanette F. I am looking for throughput average over time.

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ Jonathan commented ·

Hello @Jonathan S3,

I realized I made the model in Flexsim 20.2 when you use 20.0. Here is the new model. I updated the triggers to use the model time to create a value. Hopefully this will help you fill the table with the values you are looking for.


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