
Ryosuke S avatar image
Ryosuke S asked Ryosuke S commented

Moving multiselected agv control point and path to specific X,Y,Z location

Hello, Is there any way to move multiselected agv path and control points to specific X,Y,Z location?

I'm building agv path which have 10 floors. The location of path and cp are same in each floor, so I would just like to create he first floor and then copy paste to other floors. Each floor have about 900 cps, 80 paths so it is not feasible to create for each floor. (just one floor is painful enough.)

I understand you can do such for multiselected processors, sinks, etc. But can not seem to do it with agv paths or cps.

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 20.0.8
control pointsselected objectsflexsim 20.0.8agv paths
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
1 Like"
Phil BoBo answered Ryosuke S commented

Move all the paths and cps on the first floor into a visual container, such as the Plane object.

Then copy/paste that plane object and move it to different Z heights for each floor.

After doing this, your intersection points may be drawn in the wrong positions. In FlexSim 20.0, you can fix all of them by executing this script:

  1. forobjecttreeunder(model()) {
  2.     if (isclasstype(a, "AGV::Path"))
  3.         function_s(a, "finalizeSpatialChanges");
  4. }

In FlexSim 20.1 or later, you can use the Refresh Path Links right-click menu option to fix them:

1600437409559.png (152.0 KiB)
1600437417172.png (138.9 KiB)
agv-floors.gif (7.7 MiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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