
Yifei Wang avatar image
Yifei Wang asked jing.c commented

Is there a way to hide some of connections?


I am working on a large FlexSim project. There are a lot of queues and racks inside of the file. Therefore, there are a lot of connection lines between queues and processors. I know how to hide all connection lines. But, is there a way to let FlexSim only show all connection lines related to certain processor and hide the rest unrelated ones?


FlexSim 16.0.1
connectionsselected objects
network.fsm (16.4 KiB)
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Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Adrian Haws commented

Hi Yifei,

There is a simple way to do this by opening the Properties window of the item whose connections you want to hide, then going to the General tab and unselecting the Show Ports box. Simply do that for all fixed resources except said processor. I did this as shown below. I'm not sure if there's a quicker way to do it for a larger model, but this worked fine in the one you sent.

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jing.c avatar image
jing.c answered jing.c commented

Hi, Yifei.

You can selected the objects you want to hide their connections, and open View>Edit Selected Objects, you can find switches>Toggle Ports. This button can solve your question. You can also see the GIF attached.



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