
Jonathan avatar image
Jonathan asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Simulate different number of operators without experimenter

My model is a conveyor with 4 stations on top. Each stations center is to its own operator.

The process times for my flow items are pulled from a global table. The process times are different depending on how many operators are working and what part type they are working on.

What I would like is to use a table or something similar to choose the number of operators that are working. Without using experimenter as this is for a particular presentation.

The scenarios are 2, 3, or 4 operators. I would also like if the unused operator (and possibly station) could be hidden as well.

My current, working, way of doing this is having all three scenarios built in 3 separate parts of my build space and running from the same schedule simultaneously, which has its own pro's and con's. The main drawbacks are my computer specs.

I am to eventually model a large portion of our plant with this model included to help us determine process flow and scheduling, so I can't keep using the 3 separate models.

I have only recently completed the core training course so please be descriptive and ask questions if I am not clear. Thank you.

I am unable to share my model file. Apologies in advance.

FlexSim 20.2.3
flexsim 20.2.3multiple operatorsstationsscenarios
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1 Answer

Aida Chaikh avatar image
Aida Chaikh answered Jonathan commented

Hello @Jonathan S3,

I have attached a model with 2 processors and a global table. In this global table there are processor's time and num of operators that each processor needs. To change the number of operator there is a code in the user events that it changes this value in the instant 0 of the simulation.

I hope it helps!

· 1
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