
Asma I avatar image
Asma I asked Jeff Nordgren commented

Operator picks up number of items based on Label (id)


In this project, I have 5 operators with a label (id) who are connected with a flow items that have the same label (id).

My question is how can I make the operator picks up a number of items with quantity based on the label (id). label(id) = quantity


operator1 with id=1 will only take 1 item that has label id(1) in one travel and then goes to a sink and disappear

operator2 with id=2 will only take 2 items that have label id(2) in one travel and then goes to a sink and disappear

FlexSim 20.2.0
processflowflexsim 20.2.0operatorsitem objectsconveyor belt
· 1
5 |100000

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