
Asma I avatar image
Asma I asked Asma I commented

Operator to pick up item where the label of the operator and item are equal


My question is how can i put a condition that the operator only picks up items from the conveyor with the same value of label(id) same as the label(id) of the operator

for example: operator1(id=1) picks up all items with id=1

FlexSim 20.2.0
operatorflexsim 20.2.0pickingitem objectsconveyor belt
pickup-autosave.fsm (62.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
1 Like"
Raja Sekaran answered Asma I commented

@Asma I

I have updated the model with the process flow to assign the operator based on the label value of an item. Let me know if this is works for you.



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