
Cafe X avatar image
Cafe X asked Cafe X commented

how to make the operator processing while the conveyor still moving ?


i want the operator to processing on the box from one to another while the conveyor still continuously moving (none stop).

Please help out .


FlexSim 19.0.9
operatorflexsim 19.0.9conveyor beltflow of objectnonestop
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worker.fsm (32.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
1 Like"
Jason Lightfoot answered Cafe X commented

Here's an example using an instanced process flow with the operator as the instance.worker_jl.fsm

You could get the operator to walk alongside the object or in later versions of FlexSim have a kinematic activity move the operator at the same speed.

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worker-jl.fsm (42.0 KiB)
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