
Ken L3 avatar image
Ken L3 asked Ben Wilson commented

Arrival Schedule from source to two queues one arrival at a time.

Stator New - Stage 3_Schedule.fsmI am trying to build one source that will build based on a arrival schedule. I would like only one arrival per queue. The quantities are different each arrival so I cannot set limits to queue size. Essentially, i would like the source to send one arrival at a time to the first available queue with no partial pieces/order and only one order at a time.

FlexSim 20.0.0
flexsim 20.0.0arrival scheduleflowproduction schedule
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Here's a working model example using a List for the queue availability. Just add new queues to the group "Queues".


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tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Jason Lightfoot converted comment to answer

@Ken L3,

You might consider using Process Flow. I created a small example model that creates random small orders with varying sizes and sends it to a random queue.

In the example, the tokens are created randomly and then receive a label that represents a random number of items to create ("numberUnits" label).

Then, the "numberUnits" label is used to create that number of items. The queue where the items are sent is decided randomly based on a percentage.

You could also send all the items into a third queue that would then sort based on "First Available", as that seems to be an important criteria in your model.

I'm not sure if I entirely understood your question, but I hope this is on the right track and that it gives you some ideas. I'm attaching my example model for your reference. If I'm off target, please provide some more details or perhaps an example and I'll try to help.

random orders.fsm

1604973903473.png (14.5 KiB)
1604973980442.png (37.3 KiB)
random-orders.fsm (26.8 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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