
Robert F2 avatar image
Robert F2 asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Robot with 2 grippers


I am trying to simulate a process that uses a robot with two grippers to tend a machine. Here is the process I am attempting but not having success at:

  1. Robot grabs an item from IncomingConveyor using gripper(1)
  2. Robot places item in Processor1
  3. Robot grabs another item from IncomingConveyor using gripper(1)
  4. Robot unloads processed item from Processor1 using gripper(2) while holding an unprocessed item in gripper(1)
  5. Robot then places the unprocessed item in gripper(1) into Processor1
  6. Robot takes processed item in gripper(2) to OutgoingConveyor and the process repeats.

My original thinking was to try to change the robots capacity to 2 while it was tending the processor and then change the capacity back to 1 when tending the conveyors, but I could not get this to work.

Thanks for any help!


FlexSim 20.1.2
FlexSim 20.0.0
flexsim 20.0.0robot holding 2 partstwo-grippers
dualgripper.fsm (43.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

The problem with your approach is that the job to pick up the second item from the incoming Conveyor will not get created until the robot removes the first item from the processor - since it had capacity 1, preventing the 2nd item from being accepted in. Setting the processor capacity to 2 doesn't give the behaviour I think you want.

I think a small process flow might be best - here's a simple example with a fixed cycle for the robot.


dualgripper-jl.fsm (54.7 KiB)
5 |100000

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