
Marcos MNA avatar image
Marcos MNA asked Jeanette F commented

Different types of products, processing times and changeover times

Hello, I have just started using this program and I need to simulate a process where different type of products are processed. Each product has different processing time and it also has different changeover time between one kind of product to another one. I would really apreciate your help!

FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0different item typessimulate changeoverdifferent time
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jeanette F commented

First, I'd recommend you do the tutorials.

Then you'll see that it's the setuptime and cycletime of a processor that is likely to be the thing you need to change, and luckily there are some standard ones for you to look at that should help you start out.

Double clicking a processor for example:

Then choose the expanding arrow to the right:

Which will give you some options:

Of which for the setup, it sounds like you;d want the From/To Lookup Table which will then give you these fields to enter the table name and type:

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