
Carlos Marcelo LZ avatar image
Carlos Marcelo LZ asked Carlos Marcelo LZ commented

Push item to sink after maximum wait time in queue exceeded.


Hi, I´m simulating a programme in which one of the characteristics is that I need to push an item out of the system according to a maximum wait time defined by case. The item tolerance time should be calculated at the time in which it enters the queue. I have to do it for the regular clients and for the cardholder clients. I leave my simulation as well as the screenshots of the indications. I was trying to solve it with a global item list but got stucked since yesterday.

FlexSim 20.2.2
flexsim 20.2.2global listmax wait timerwaiting timesmaximum tolerancee time
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
1 Like"
Joerg Vogel answered Carlos Marcelo LZ commented

This task is a variant of one of the basic tutorials. Please build it from the scratch and use two lists for both different customer type. If you stuck at a special point, then please come back and ask a more discrete question, where your problem is.

Tutorial: build a service desk

· 1
5 |100000

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