
Natalia G6 avatar image
Natalia G6 asked Yogesh H commented

How can I create a combination of product types at one arrival

@Matthew Gillespie ,@Michael Machado, @Jordan Johnson,@Sam Stubbs, @Roi Sánchez , @Mischa Spelt ,@Joshua S, @Seung Yong Seo, @Jeff Nordgren

How can I create a combination of product types at one arrival from process flow, for example I have 20 products and I want that 50% of them will be one product and the rest other , every time that products are created.

FlexSim 19.2.4
processflowflexsim 19.2.4products
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Yogesh H avatar image
Yogesh H answered

Hi @Natalia G6

combination of product types at one arrival.fsm

Alternate Way;

Please refer the attached model to create a Combination of product type at one arrival. To open the attached sample model you need to upgrade your Flexsim version to 20.2.3 or above

I have used a Process Flow, "Schedule Source" activity, "Create Object" activity with Bernoulli Distribution to create label "Type" on an objects at Queue1 and "Change visual" activity to give color to the type of an object

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Yogesh H avatar image
Yogesh H answered

Hi @Natalia G6,

Create Different type of items.fsm

Please refer the attached model,

I have created type of item for both cases without using process flow

To create different type of items you can use Demperical Distribution

But Conditions is sum of the probability column must be equal to 100 which you can see in global table "DifferentTypeofitems" in the model and Second column is the label which you can give as per your requirement

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Natalia G6 avatar image
Natalia G6 answered Yogesh H commented

Thanks for your help @Yogesh H , it was really useful, in other case if I want to create more than 2 products with different percentages, it is possible to create different labels of this type.

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