
Natalia G6 avatar image
Natalia G6 asked Natalia G6 commented

How can I create a combination of product types at one arrival ?

Hi @Yogesh H, @Ben Wilson , @Matt Long , @Matthew Gillespie, @Sam Stubbs, @Joshua S

How can I create a combination of product types at one arrival , I need to load a percentage to create product depending of supplier and customer , I know the empirical distribution but I dont know how to load the table, it is possible do it with this distribution or exists other method?

Thanks for your help

FlexSim 19.2.4
labelsflexsim 19.2.4
tabla.png (3.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Yogesh H avatar image
1 Like"
Yogesh H answered Natalia G6 commented

Hi Natalia G6 ,

refer attached sample model SampleModelDemperical.fsm

Follow the below mentioned steps

Step 1: Add Global Table from the ToolBox

Step 2: Add rows and columns in the properties of Global Table

Step 3: Add Probability Column and Label column

Step 4: Create Arrival Schedule but it's depends on your arrival style. Here, i have used Arrival Schedule

Step 4: Add "Trigger - On Creation" on the "Source" and then set label and color

Step 5: Now add Label name and label value

Untitled 5.png

Step 6: Add GlobalTable Name

Untitled 6.png

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