
Ziad O2 avatar image
Ziad O2 asked Ben Wilson commented

How to assign Patient Tracks in 2020 HC

How to assign patients label that trigger which patient Flow to be used? in the older HC versions i used to assign tracks in the PCI section

FlexSim 20.2.2
flexsim 20.2.2patient trackschedulingpatient arrivalspci
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered

First of all, if your patient flows have any overlap I would recommend just using one flow and using decide activities to route the token to the correct activities for that "track".

The way you assign a patient to a specific flow is with the Patient Flow field of the Create Person activity:

You have a lot of options of how to use this:

1. If you have separate arrival rates for the different patient tracks you could have two different Create Person activities that each point at a different patient flow. Something like this:

2. If you assign a Track pointer label to the arriving tokens you can then sample the flow you want in the Toolbox and assign each row a specific track:

You'd then just need to put token.Track in the Patient Flow field:

3. You could also do the same thing, but with a string label and just type in the name of the flow, but then in the the Patient Flow field you'd put:

  1. Model.find("Tools/ProcessFlow/" + token.Track)

4. You could even just assign a number as the Track label and us the By Case pickoption to turn the number into a specific flow:

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