Hello everyone, I need your help please. What happens is that I need to simulate the increase in space of the picking areas, but only when they reach their limit. That is, I have these two picking areas, each one with a space of 20 and 40 of max content. If, for example, the area of 40 fills up, only in that instant of time that this max content is increased to 84 positions, for as long as the content needs this increase, and then returns to 40 positions. The context of this need is that I want to simulate if these areas are filled, if the increase of 44 more spaces of content, will be enough in these time intervals where the space is needed, or if I need more space. I wonder if there is any way to program this in the floor storage or can you think of a way to simulate this. I attached my modelmodelo intento dos.fsm.
Another question is that I would like to test this in the experimenter, if I wanted to vary this capacity until I observe that my model already has the necessary capacity so that there is no lack of space.