
Ismael R3 avatar image
Ismael R3 asked Ben Wilson commented

two error during simulation ,

  1. Hello, I have tried to solve two errors, the first one is because I have two types of product sizes, I have some pallets that should go to floor storage and some smaller boxes that should go to these places. But I can't get my model to compile without errors. then add a sink to the picking output to see what happened and the error mentioned below occurred. Please help, maybe my process flow is wrong or how I should configure my items so that they accept these two products without problems. In theory, there should be a pallet for each slot, but where the boxes can be stacked one on top of the other, it works well for a moment, but then the error mentioned in the second image appears. If possible you can correct my model, I attach it.@jason.lightfoot was helping me and he said it was the size of the racks, but i do not know how to configure this floor storage in a good way thank you


FlexSim 21.0.0
processflowflexsim 21.0.0exception errorfloor storage
1608177983676.png (315.6 KiB)
1608178468672.png (42.5 KiB)
intento2.fsm (382.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

You change the height of the rack to fix it as I showed in the other post. That’s the size in the z direction. Next time don’t repost the question a second time.

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