
Sonia A avatar image
Sonia A asked Sonia A answered

How do I assign incremental labels in Process flow?

Hi Everybody, I am learning how to build a model in Flexsim and I have a doubt about incremental labels in the Process flow. I would like the incoming items to have a label that indicates the number of those items. The first item that enters into the process should have label 1, the second item should have label 2 etc. I have tried to assign an incremental label called NItem to the flowing tokens but I am missing something because it is not working. I have attached the simple model that I did.

Can someone help me with that? Thank you so much!


FlexSim 16.2.2
FlexSim 21.0.0
FlexSim 21.0.0
processflowlabelsflexsim 21.0.0increment labelitem creation
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

I know my suggestion doesn’t meet your expectations completely, but maybe you can work with the token ID property. The first token gets the ID 1, the second the ID 2 and so on. But there are sub processes in statistic collectors, which create tokens, too. And those will interfere with your own process and will at some point set a higher ID number then actually entered number of tokens created in your process only.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

You can define a counter label on the processFlow itself and increment that before assigning the label value to your tokens. There are many other solutions I'm sure using variables, instance objects, stats of the activities - too many to list.

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Sonia A avatar image
Sonia A answered

Thank you so much for your help!

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