
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Multi label replacement in process flow activity block?

Hi Team,

I have set of activities related to "Processor1" where I am assigning processor name in assign label activity 3 times. Now, I want to create same set of activities for "Processor2" and "Processor3".

I am looking for option where I can just select Processor2/Processor3 block in process flow and replace Processor1 by respective processor name.

I was checking in Tree but I could not see activities for Processor2/Processor3 one at a time and replace labels respectively using Find and Replace.


Is there any way to do it?


Thank you!

FlexSim 21.0.10
processflowlabelsinstancesreplacelabel tables
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

There's only one process in your example which can be invoked 3 times per processor.


Attach processors as instances of an Object Process Flow containing this process and refer to them as 'current'

If you find yourself doing lots of manual name changing/editing and/or find/replace, you've probably not used FlexSim in the best way - one that helps you avoid such tasks.

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