
Tee Hiett avatar image
Tee Hiett asked Jeanette F commented

Problem getting patients into Row_6 correctly in covid-19 model.

@Matthew Gillespie

Covid19 vaccinations auditorium_8.fsm

In this version, everything seems to be working with patients entering and leaving rows 1-5. The first problem appears at about 40 minutes into the model when patient number 45 goes to the chair Row_6_1 and that row number is pushed to the list. Some 15 minutes later, that patient will not leave the chair to go to ExitSpot1 but the chair is removed from the list and the owner is set to zero and the InUse label is set to zero.

At around 69 minutes into the model, patients 100, 101, 102 enter the model and go to row 6. Of course, patient 45 is still sitting in the chair Row_6_1 so patient 100 cannot occupy that chair but patients 101 and 102 can go to the next 2 chairs. Those chairs show the Owner and the InUse label is that the one but those chairs are not pushed onto the list.

I have the feeling that this is something simple because the same programming works for all of the other 5 rows but I am unable to see it

Thanks for the help

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

The issue is that the token for patient 45 gets stuck in the Pull from List activity because it's trying to pull all 7 row 6 chairs off the list, but only one chair is currently on the list. Usually in this model the row isn't cleared until every row in the chair is used, but this case is different because only the first chair in the row was used and then the whole row gets cleared when patient 45 is ready to leave.

I think the easiest way to fix this is to change the Require Number in the Pull from List activity from token.Seats.length to just 1.

That way you try to pull all the chairs from the row off the list, but the token can move on as long as something is pulled off the list.

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