
Diego VG avatar image
Diego VG asked Diego VG edited

Statistics on a dynamic group (objects created on runtime)

Good morning,

This is question that came to me a couple of times concerning groups and statistic collectors.

I would like to know if it is possible to keep a statistic collector "updated" when the listened object is a group of dynamic flowitems e.g. patients arriving to a hospital.

Is this case precisely the aim is to collect the time people spend waiting for some elevator to arrive to their floor. For this I have used the "On Star Elevator Bank Arrival" and the "On Star Elevator Entry" events which work for people that are present on the model on the "OnReset" trigger but the Statistic Collector ignores the new people created on runtime.

Is there any solution for this nowadays? If It is not I will send a Development request for it as dealing with dynamic groups appears to be a very interesting function.

Thank you very much for your attention

FlexSim 21.0.1
statistics collectorgroupsflexsim 21.0.1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Diego VG edited

If you add these activities to the Person's process flow then you can detect all the times and use a statistics collector to record the waiting times.

Attached is an example based on the healthcare tutorial with this chart:


· 4
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Diego VG avatar image Diego VG commented ·

Thank you very much!

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Diego VG avatar image Diego VG commented ·

Dear @jason.lightfoot I have checked your solution I found that as I have not used a the person process flow from the people module. Is there any equivalent way of obtaining a result such as the one you showed me upwards in a normal flow?

I have tried creating the equivalent of what you have sent me but it has no worked so far.

The aim again would be to be able to keep track of the waiting time in front of the different elevator blocks (the main issue was that the statistic collectors had trouble listening to empty groups)

Here I attach you the model if is the case that I may have done something wrong while creating the process flow.

(model removed due to confidentiality reasons)

Thanks in advance for your help

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Diego VG commented ·

Attached model has an activity that detects an elevator bank arrival and then waits for that traveler to enter the elevator.


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Diego VG avatar image Diego VG Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
I finally understood! Thank you very much for your patience
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