
Youssef EM avatar image
Youssef EM asked Youssef EM commented

Packing method on task executer

Hi everyone,

I have task executers that tranport items from one queue to another. The capacity of each one is 33 and the items are loaded vertically, like this:

Is there a way to edit the packing method so that the items are loaded horizontally in 3 lines (truck packing).
The result should be something like this, with 33 pallets.

Thanks !

FlexSim 19.0.0
task executertruckpacking
1610706821580.png (490.3 KiB)
1610707134157.png (509.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Youssef EM commented

You set a location of every item entering in the event On Load by the property location. You need for your code the size of objects, the location and probably the content, which is expressed by length of subnodes. You get components of a size or location Vector of class Vec3 by the properties x,y,z.

You need also the property subnodes which I mentioned before. And it is not wrong to know that there are the properties last and first which eventually must be used with Objects casted down as (treenode).

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