
Armand J avatar image
Armand J asked Armand J edited

Round Robin if available not working with batch

I have a model with 2 queues on which I can have 12 totes of different products (delivered on batch from a washing process)

The next process is another batch process of 4 totes. Before this process I place a queue to create my batch of 4. Not possible to mix the tote into this process.

The pull strategy "Longest Waiting" is working fine, making a FIFO between my 2 queues.

But I want to be able to test another method "Round Robin if available" but this is not working as I want, the operator will not respect the batch of 4 totes from the same queue but will go the other queue if material is there...

Note: I tried Open/Close ports but the operator is not considering it.

How can I do Round Robin if available for a full batch of 4?

Can the program of the round robin function be modified to round robin each 4 times ?

FlexSim 21.0.0
flexsim 21.0.0round robinoperators assignmentbatch transfer
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1 Answer

Allister Wilson avatar image
Allister Wilson answered Armand J edited

We solved Armand's problem in an online meeting.

Armand, please accept this answer or comment back if you need more help on this matter.

For anyone having a similar issue, example model attached.

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