
Nicholas D2 avatar image
Nicholas D2 asked Jeanette F commented

Running multiple processes using process flow

In this model, flowitems move between work centers like this: 85A > 89Q > 899 > 85V > 85A but when being processed at 85A and 85V, the flowitems need to undergo two operations back-to-back before being moved to the OutRack. The possibility of a flowitem failing and being moved to a rework queue should also be present during either operation, not just at the end when both operations are complete. Is there a way to build this into the process flow so I can continue to use processors, or do I need to change the processors at these work centers to multiprocessors? How can I build in logic to represent flowitems failing before both operations have ended?

MPM-2000 Testing Model_Process Flow_v5.fsm

FlexSim 20.1.2
processflowflexsim 20.1.2multiprocessorrework flow
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Nicholas D2,

I don't think using multiprocessors would work because I do not think you could send the item to be reworked until it had finished both processes.

A solution would be to remove the connection to the rework Queue from the current processors and move that logic to the process flow. In the process flow after the wait for activity you can insert a decide activity that decides if the item will be reworked or to continue on to be processed. If timing is the same for the first and second operation you could just move the object to the start of the processor again. If not you could place a second processor and use the same logic to move the item, wait for activity and decide from the previous processor in the process flow.


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