
Eric R6 avatar image
Eric R6 asked Eric R6 edited

Split item based on label and send to specific port

Test File 2.fsmHello,

I am trying to get my separator to split the incoming items into 3 different items. In the attached model I have two different items arriving at Separator1 based on an Arrival Sequence. If the item that shows up is SKU1, I want it split into 3 different items. Ideally these would be labeled wld1, wld2, and wld3. Wld1 and wld2 would then go to Queue1, and wld3 would go to Queue2.

If SKU2 shows up, I want it split into 3 different items. Ideally these would be labeled wld4, wld5, and wld6. Wld4 would go into Queue1, and wld5 and wld6 would go into Queue2.

My thoughts were to set this up using a process flow that runs a subflow depending on what SKU# arrives at the Separator. In my full model I will have about a dozen different SKUs that will get split and go to different Queues. Below is a visual of what I am trying to do.

Thank you

FlexSim 20.2.1
separatorflexsim 20.2.1
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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered Eric R6 edited

@Eric R6

Here is a model that does what you want to achieve:


You were on the right track, it would be best to do this with process flow. The subflow I included assigns the WLD labels and moves the items to the wanted destination. I have 2 additional global tables that contain values for the WLD labels and the destinations (the "WLDassignments" looks like it could be combined with your "Table1").

I believe this could be modified for your application of more SKUs and queues, except if some SKUs need to be split into a different quantity than 3. In that case we may need to completely remove the 3D separator and handle the split logic in process flow.

I hope this helps!

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