
tomonori S avatar image
tomonori S asked tomonori S commented

About how flow items flow and trigger port settings

In the attached model, two items are brought to "Processor B", and the items are processed one by one in the subsequent process.
One item stays in "Processor B" and releases the item in "Processor B" after the preceding item has been processed by "Processor F".

In the current attached model, the simulation stops after a series of flows, but I would like to repeat this.
(The input port of "Processor B" is closed, but I don't know the proper setting method to open the port.)


FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3triggerclose and open portssubnodes
test-01.fsm (35.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered tomonori S commented

Hello @tomonori S,

You had the right idea to use triggers. You are opening the input to Processor B too soon though. You want to open the input when Processor B is empty so two boxes can be transported and processed at the same time. So you will need a trigger that opens the input after it confirms that Processor B is empty.

The problem then is to figure out what event should you set the trigger onto. You would think that placing this on the On Exit Trigger would make sense but this is where you would need to know the order of events. Send To Port -> Transport Resource -> On Exit -> On Load. This means that the item has not been loaded by the time the on exit trigger fires and the processor still has an item in it. We need the On Load trigger to check and see if the processor is empty. The on load trigger can be found on the operator.


1613672645658.png (18.5 KiB)
test-02-v1.fsm (528.6 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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