
Michael Zabritski avatar image
Michael Zabritski asked Michael Zabritski commented

Apply Entry Exit instructions to existing objects

I've created some custom locations with custom graphics and placed them in the model. Now I'd like to modify the entry and exit behavior of patients and staff. I can select one object in the mode, change the template to custom, set the instructions and it works, but it only modifies it for that one object. Is there a way to change that information for all instances of that custom object or save the custom template and apply it to other objects?



FlexSim 20.1.2
flexsim 20.1.2custom locationenterinstructions
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Michael Zabritski commented

You can use View > Edit Selected Objects to copy the enterInstructions and exitInstructions variables from one object to other selected objects. In 20.2 and later there is a button that does this next to the Edit Enter/Exit Instructions button.

You could also add your object to a User Library and then drag in more copies of that object. This also allows you to preserve the custom instructions across models, i.e. you can drag one into any model.

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Michael Zabritski avatar image Michael Zabritski commented ·

Thanks Matthew! Time to upgrade

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