
Muhammad M2 avatar image
Muhammad M2 asked Ralf Gruber answered

ASRS retrieval issue

I just started using flexsim today. I understand how to store through asrs but cant get it to retrieve. Also is it possible to start with a full rack and just perform retrieval with an asrs?

Please help me understand what I am doing wrong.



FlexSim 21.0.2
flexsim 21.0.2asrsasrs vehicle
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1 Answer

Ralf Gruber avatar image
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Ralf Gruber answered


I have attached the model with the changes you asked for asrs-retrieval-problem_RG.fsm:

- An extra Source with an arrival sequence filling the rack

- A Queue as a destination to retrieve from the rack

The questions you are asking are very basic and I strongly recommend you to work through the tutorial to understand FlexSim.

Good luck

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