
Apilak M avatar image
Apilak M asked Ben Wilson commented

Is it possible to call FlexSIM instance and make it autorun by ASP.NET

FlexSim 21.1.0
flexsim 21.1.0i need to working with flexsim on run on iis to
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Apilak M commented
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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered Apilak M commented

Hi @Apilak M,

It sounds like you'll maintain two different servers (or two separate services on the same server). The first is your custom web application built on ASP.NET, or whatever your backend of choice. This app can make queries against a FlexSim Webserver instance, either from the frontend or the backend.

For example, on the frontend of things, a user would load your ASP.NET site in their browser. A page would load and could include some JavaScript that makes XMLHttpRequest (XHR) queries to the FlexSim Webserver, and handle the response data in some way. These XHR queries could happen automatically on page load, or due to some user interaction like a button or link.

Or on the backend: a user would load your ASP.NET site. As the server generates the page to send to the user, it could make cURL requests or similar to the FlexSim Webserver. Whatever data is returned by FlexSim may be integrated into the response that is sent by the ASP.NET application back to the client.

You can read in the webserver documentation about creating custom queries in your model. Using these, your model can respond to any query needed by your front- or back-end code, with whatever data you choose to send, in whatever format you need. It is up to you to program those query handlers into your FlexSim model. See the Instance Queries heading under Developing Custom Web Interfaces.

Be sure to review the entire Webserver documentation page, as all of the info there will be useful.

Comment back with any specific questions.

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