
Vanessa E avatar image
Vanessa E asked Parker S answered

Max Content with processor fails with operator

When I increase the max content in the processor, it is not possible to use an operator for process, it just process "X" quantity and the stops and the STATE changes to WAITING FOR OPERATOR

But I need to process more than one item in just one processor using an operator for process and for setup. Is it possible to do that without process flow?

FlexSim 21.1.1
max content
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered

@Vanessa E

Please review the warning about the max content found in the help guide:

When using a max content more than 1, the operator does not get used correctly for setup and processing.

The best option is to use process flow, there are some good tutorials found in the guide:

I would also recommend the Task Logic tutorials.

5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.