
Tomi Kosunen avatar image
Tomi Kosunen asked Tomi Kosunen commented

accelerated travel time

Is there a ready made function to calculate travel time for a accelerated motion?

Parameters would be: distance, max speed, acceleration,deceleration

FlexSim 21.1.2
flexsim 21.1.2travel time calculation
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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
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Benjamin W2 answered Tomi Kosunen commented

Hi @tomi.kosunen,

Have you tried using kinematics? You can set a start time and capture the finish time on a label.

See the attached model for more details. Kinematics Example.fsm

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Tomi Kosunen avatar image Tomi Kosunen commented ·

That would do the job. Although it would be more simple to just have the function to calculate the time. But this will do for now. Thanks.

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