
Oscar N avatar image
Oscar N asked Ben Wilson answered

Is there any possibility to download an old version without manager account?

Hello, I work in a big company and I have no access to the FlexSim´s account linked to the license, so I can´t see the alternative old versions to download one.

Is possible to download some specific old version without this account?

For now, I need the 17.1 version.

Thanks a lot in advance.

FlexSim 17.1.6
versionold versionflexsim 17.1.6
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered

Hi @Oscar N,

Your options are:

  1. Reach out to the license holder or someone they have linked to their FlexSim account. Have them download the installer and send it to you.
  2. Contact your local FlexSim distributor to explain your situation and see if they can get you the installer.
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