
Lv GG avatar image
Lv GG asked Lv GG commented

transport three different box to the corresponding 3 sink in the pattern of AGV.

I want to transport three different box to the corresponding 3 sink in the pattern of AGV., and get the time spent. the number of each kind of box >1, so AGVs need to to be recycled for transportation.


FlexSim 19.0.0
agvflexsim 19.0.0
1621256878120.png (87.6 KiB)
model-help.fsm (33.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
1 Like"
Steven Hamoen answered Lv GG commented

The solution was very simple. I attach the model, but the idea is that you make connections to the sinks and use a dispatcher to send the tasks to the AGV. Only problem is that you see that your AGV path is not correct because there is a circular wait problem.


model-help-tal.fsm (34.4 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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