
Andrea F avatar image
Andrea F asked Alessio Merlo answered

Pallet stack in determined racks

Hi everyone,

i have a problem stacking the pallets in determined bays. I have racks with different bay width and according to the length of my items on the pallets i would like to store them on the bay that has a width higher or equal to the item in order to have enough space to store it. How can i assign items to a specific bay ? I developed a solution with a custom code in the Racks logic. Unfortunately the model does not work as expected

Can someone help me with this model ?

Than you all

Sarner Holz Final Model.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.2
racksflexsim 19.1.2bayitem placementplace in bay
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1 Answer

Alessio Merlo avatar image
Alessio Merlo answered


the label "Lenght" on the item "pallet" doesn't exist. Then the command

  1. getlabel(item,"Lenght")

returns always a value equal 0.

I invited you to use the last FlexSim version because the warehouse objects are improved and each slot has a method "hasSpace()" which return if the pallet could be stored in the slot.

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