
martin.j avatar image
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martin.j asked Jordan Johnson answered

Powerpoint API - how to add flexsim chart to presentation

I have been looking at new power point API, and thinking "Hey, thats a cool idea". But I am missing some kind of guide or tutorial on how to use it and what can actually be accomplished.

I assume that it is possible to add a Flexsim chart to a powerpoint slide using this API (why else would you add it to Flexsim). But I cant seem to find a way or any examples. Is there a tutorial or a plan to add one for how to use this new API to create a presentation/report of a finished simulation run?

FlexSim 21.1.4
flexsim 21.1.4chartsapipowerpoint
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered

The PowerPoint.Slide class has an addPicture method:

To add a chart, you'd need to use viewtofile() on that chart to create a picture file, and then add that file to the slide. I think the dashboard may need to be visible for this to work, though.

At the moment, there isn't a tutorial or guide. I think there is only the reference documentation on the API. I can add this request to the dev list.

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