
Mike Mayer avatar image
Mike Mayer asked Jordan Johnson answered

Refresh Parameter Dashboards?

The new Parameter tables are quite useful, and made even more powerful by the new "Parameters" dashboard (Dashboards > Add Parameter Table Dashboard). Using this technique to create a simple GUI to control the model based on parameters is now very easy.

Is there a way to update an existing Parameter Dashboard when I make a change to the corresponding Parameters table? If I change something in my Parameters table (like, add a parameter, or change how a parameter works), the change is not reflected in the existing Parameter dashboard, created before I made the change.

In order for a Parameter table change to be recognized in the corresponding Parameter dashboard, I have to delete the old Parameter dashboard then create a new one. Or, I simply create new ones as I go (they automatically get numbered with a trailing digit). Then when I finally have it the way I want, I simply delete all the old "trial and error" dashboards and rename the very last one. For example, I delete the original Parameters dashboard, as well as dashboards Parameters1 thru Parameters13, and then rename Parameters14 (my 14th and final version) to just Parameters.

Perhaps in the Edit Mode of the Parameters dashboard there could be a "Refresh" button. Or a Refresh option in the Dashboard pulldown from the main toolbar. Perhaps behind the scenes it automatically deletes the existing "Parameters" dashboard and creates a new fresh one with the same name - which would functionally be the same as a refresh or update.

I also noticed that as a model is running, the combo box options widget in the Parameters Dashboard flickers and a selection cannot be made because of the flickering while the model is running. You have to stop the model run, change the combo box drop-down selection to what you want (for example I have four options), then continue running the model, which only then "picks-up" the new selection. It's as if something is constantly refreshing that combo box thus preventing you from making a choice while the model is running.

Thank you.

FlexSim 21.1.4
flexsim 21.1.4model parameters tableparameter dashboarddashboard refresh
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

You have already discovered the current best art for updating a parameter dashboard. We do have this feature on the dev list, to be able to "refresh" a parameter dashboard, and perhaps have some other options about its layout or something like that.

I will add the issue about the combobox to the dev list. It could be that the combobox gets updated on each paint because it is on a dashboard, but maybe there is a better way to handle that that keeps the combobox usable while the model runs.

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