
shanice.c avatar image
shanice.c asked shanice.c edited

How to let Elevator connected conveyors work bidirectional without collision?

I want to let a multi-floor model that there are two elevators sending Box1 and Box2 between these 2 floors. Both elevators can be used to load from 1F&2F and send boxes to 1F/2F floor. So how can I control at conveyor to avoid any boxes collision(ex: a box is sent from 1F to 2F, but another box in 2F heading to 1F directly enter conveyor without looking into if there's other box coming, so these two boxes might bump each other.) For the bidirectional parts of conveyor(The green background part of the conveyor), now I use two physical conveyors, and hope there's method to control boxes flow from crash. I hope to overlap these two different direction conveyors and hide the physical away. but I'm afraid that one conveyor(The yellow background part of the conveyor) is not allow to connected to two conveyors, and still cause error. Is there an easier way to complete what I want to do?

Our conveyor layout design is like the picture, the conveyors in front of elevator are bidirectional, elevators are also bidirectional, the horizontal conveyor between two bidirectional conveyors is limited to transfer box to the right hand side.


After completing the actions of letting boxes transported by elevators and conveyor in bidirectional works correct. Then I'd like to hide all conveyors, and replace conveyor appearances with our custom 3D conveyor shape. It has been a big problem that I cannot find the setting to show them again after hiding conveyor objects. It's not like other objects(ex: queue, processor...) that I can show 3D again by clicking Visuals-More visuals-Show 3D shape. I tried to find conveyors at Tree, but there's no option to find the setting to show 3D shape again.


FlexSim 21.1.4
conveyorflexsim 21.1.43d shapeelelvatormutifloor
1627799697374.png (43.6 KiB)
elevator.fsm (53.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

shanice.c avatar image
shanice.c answered David Seo commented

Hi, @David Seo, why in your example you use shape21 as Area Owner?

I think in my case the restricted area would start from entering the 4F yellow conveyor until the exiting from the 5F yellow conveyor, could a restricted area used in a crossing-floors case?

Also, could you explain more about why I should control conveyor's in/out port? And give me some examples which kind of Triggers to use? Do I still reverse conveyor by setting speed to negative, or any way to switch conveyor's start and end in X,Y? Thank you!

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