
Erik RV2 avatar image
Erik RV2 asked Erik RV2 answered

Setting AGV rotation to attach load as trailer

agv_change_rotation.fsmHi team, I am trying to build a model where AGVs would attach loads as trailer.

To get to load the item, the agv would need to move backwards while it's empty, then forward once it is loaded along a certain path (just like if was attaching a trailer).

To get to unload the attached item, the agv would need to move backwards while it's loaded, then forward once it is empty along a certain path (just like if was detaching a trailer).

I tried building the required logic, tough the AGV has trouble finding the PickupPoints and DropoffPoints when I am forcing the AGV orientation through path attributes ('Forward Only' or 'Backward Only')

Here's a sample model attached, could you tell me what's wrong in there or if there's another way to setup such logic ?

thanks in advance for your help.

FlexSim 21.2.2
agvrotationflexsim 21.2.2trailer
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The angle when turning onto the pickup/dropoff path has to be larger than the "turn around threshold" ("AGV Network" in toolbox -> "General" tab) to cause the AGV to flip its direction travel and see the "backwards only"-path as valid. That's why it's working for the pickup point, your path is angled slightly "backwards" it that case and not strictly 90°.

To be safe, you could use a curved path to have the AGV enter from the main loop at a sharp angle.



Other than that, I think you would have to use a custom process flow to control the AGV and have it turn around when arriving at certain control points or similar logic.

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Erik RV2 avatar image
Erik RV2 answered

It works just has expected with the curved path, thanks for your support !

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