
Andre T6 avatar image
Andre T6 asked Ryan Clark answered

How to stacker reclaimer with crane

Hi, everyone

I was wondering if it's possible to make my crane do the job as stacker reclaimer. How can i make my crane taking item from queue 1 to cluster at one time and then moving item from cluster to queue2 in another time. Thank you!


FlexSim 19.0.0
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
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Ryan Clark answered

Hello @Andre T6,

I believe I have modified @David Chan's model to achieve your desired outcome. Instead of just using the 3D model logic, I have added a process flow to the model to aid with deciding which items to retrieve first. I added a priority and a destination label to each item that changes when it enters a new queue, and I just have them push to lists when they are ready to be transported to the next area. Since I set the items in Queue1 to have a higher priority than the cluster queues, those items will get pulled and transported first, which seems to be what you want. I hope this helps!


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