
Ryusuke T avatar image
Ryusuke T asked anthony.johnson commented

FlexSim freezes when Fast Forward is selected repeatedly

Open the attached data, play the simulation, select Fast Forward and then Stop. If select Fast Forward again, FlexSim freezes. Do you reproduce this phenomenon?

Do you know what the cause is?


FlexSim 21.2.3
freezeflexsim 21.2.3fast-forward
kiva.fsm (201.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered anthony.johnson commented

This model runs fine at low run speeds, but if you increase the run speed too much the view draws less frequently and then you randomly get the model freezing up. This seems to be an issue with the items not having the correct rotation or position when the item isn't drawn by the view before the Floor Storage's Slot Assignment Strategy is called for the item.

You can fix the issue in the model by opening the code of the Slot Assignment Strategy and adding an updatelocations() call for the item. This will make sure the item's location and rotation are correct before passing it into the slot.hasSpace() method.


See the attached model.


· 2
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