
Oscar C13 avatar image
Oscar C13 asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Load 2 items that had been used previously


How can I load 2 items at the same time but that I have already used in other parts of the model?
I am attaching a ver simplified part of whar I intend to do. I want to take a box of Type A and another of type C. Both, have already been manipulated previously so when making the create object I cannot make an array.

Do I necessary have to list them to make an array when pulling them? Or is there some toher method?
I´ve tried to make an array with "find object" but i don´t really know how to do it.

FlexSim 21.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

If you already have labels that reference the items you can...

1) simply use two load/unload activities instead of a subflow.

2) use an "Assign Label" activity to create an array label out of the other labels.



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