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anon-user asked Connor A commented

How to stack processor items in the Z direction

In the operator's transportation, items are stacked in the Z direction.

This will clearly animate the number of flow items.

However, in the processor, the items are displayed overlapping, so it is difficult to understand the number of flow items.


I thought, I want to animate the items to stack in the Z direction even on the processor.

I will attach the model I thought of.

In this model, I thought about changing "item.location.z" using "current.subnodes.length".

However, this model had a problem that the item floated in the air when the second batch was input.

How can I change the model so that the items in the second batch do not float in the air and are stacked in the Z direction?

FlexSim 21.0.5
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Connor A avatar image Connor A commented ·

Hi anonymous user, was Felix Möhlmann's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

My idea would be to count the item number in a label on the processor and base the z-level on that. A second label keeps track of when the last item entered. If any time has passed between the last entry and the current, the count label is reset, as the item belongs to a new batch.



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