
Rahul R avatar image
Rahul R asked Joerg Vogel answered

Pulling multi-quantity order from list

I am looking to pull multiple items with specific quantity from a list. For example, I want to pick 2 Red, 3 green and 1 blue tokens from the list. I can use a label and partition to pull 2 red token and add another pull from list for green and blue subsequently. Is there a way to pull 2 red, 3 green, and 1 blue at once if they are available?

FlexSim 22.1.0
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

Probably yes, with an advanced support of nested queries. But actual in FlexSim I think the answer will be NO. Easiest would be you pull one item per sequence in a loop structure.

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