
Milosz S2 avatar image
Milosz S2 asked Begoña Espiñeira answered

How to assign label to token from another process flow

Hi, I'm building a model in which the operator picks things from boxes on pallets. In one process flow I create pallets and boxes on them. The second process flow is the picking process. I need to destroy the pallet (or just have it taken from its place) after emptying her from boxes (actually there isn't any phisical taking box from pallet but that doesn't matter). I assumed that the best way is to create a label "content" on the pallet which at the beginning will have the value of how many boxes it contents and then decrement this value after each pick in the place which is on the screenshot attached. The problem is that the pallet is created in another process flow and I can't assign label to it in this process flow. It has to be this way not in one pf because it will be part of larger simulation where pallets will be created much earlier than picking. Is there a posibillity to achieve what I described? Or maybe some other way to do the same thing?ecom.fsm1648160066964.png

FlexSim 20.2.3
proces flowpickinglabel assignment
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1 Answer

Begoña Espiñeira avatar image
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Begoña Espiñeira answered

Hi @Milosz S2 , I've been looking at your model and, if I understood it correctly, I think you can access the label content of the pallet through the item you are going to collect as "token.ITEM.up.content". I have made an example where I get the pallet information in the token before loading the item, and then, I decrease the content label referencing it through the pallet. Then ask if its value is 0 so I can destroy the pallet. I hope it helps!


example.fsm (53.3 KiB)
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