I am trying to use kinematic to let the robotic arm carry the box,but I cannot make the box move with the robotic arm,what should I do to fix it,thanks!
this is my file機械手臂.fsm
I am trying to use kinematic to let the robotic arm carry the box,but I cannot make the box move with the robotic arm,what should I do to fix it,thanks!
this is my file機械手臂.fsm
Hi @Sheng_xin W, was Jason Lightfoot's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.
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Your robot isn't tied to any events in the system, nor to any spatial locations - what you've created is, in effect, an animation with incorrect joints that is triggered from the exit of the source. You should complete some tutorials on the animation editor if this is the level of sophistication you require.
Your Robot is a set of nested objects rather than one object with surrogates - so putting the item/box into the final joint will make it move with the set of movements you've created.
Can I ask is this just for learning experience? Why don't you just use the standard robot object and reskin it ? It has all the inverse kinematics you will need to do this correctly.
Because I want to try to use code control to simulate the process of robotic arm handling.In the picture is a part of the code I set now
ok,I will thing again if I need to use another method.
thanks for your answer.
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