
Michael O'Connell avatar image
Michael O'Connell asked Arun Kr commented

What might be causing a non-update of a task executor's position/kinematics?

I have a model that has AGVs with kinematic movements created by way points on the AGV Network. When I run the model to a specified stop time, the physical position/orientation of the AGV is incorrect. However, with the model stopped in the incorrect state, if I select any tab or mouse over any entity (path, control point, agv) in the 3D window, the AGV snaps to the correct position. Doesn't seem to work when passing over an item.

I have updatekinematics commands in custom draw triggers on all AGVs.

I'm unable to attach the model, so I'm just hoping that someone might have an idea about a culprit.

FlexSim 16.1.2
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

If you want that the runspeed hasn't got an negative effect on the visual result of your model you can create an event by sending a delayed message right at the moment the kinematics ends. On this event you update your kinematics a last time. Because of the mixture of 3D model and ProcessFlow I don't know where I would place the sendmessage command. Typically I send this message when the kinematics starts because the return value is the time the kinematics ends. It is then quite easy to assign the result of the kinematics to a double local variable and use this variable in the senddelayedmessage command again.

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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Arun Kr commented

This is actually performing as expected. The OnDraw code only fires at certain times, (based on the run speed etc.) You're getting to a point where the update kinematics hasn't fired, because the OnDraw hasn't updated yet. Just click the 3d view or press the stop button, and it will update the OnDraw code.

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